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Doch für die Gäste gibt es hier eine Seite mit den meistgesuchten Tattoos.

Wie heisst das Tattoo?

kann mir jemand sagen, wie man die Tattoos auf den Schultern nennt, die nach vorne zeigen und aussen wie Blumen sind und innen wie Spiralen?
Vielen Dank im voraus, vibe77




Borneo RosenRosen-Tattoos suchen?


Mensch Elle, wieviel Sprachen sprichst Du eigentlich...? ;-))


Och, jetzt eigentlich nur noch Kisuaheli. ;-)


Interessante Aussage dazu gefunden:


A lot of what has been said is WRONG! I actually come from borneo, and i have the bunga teruong on my shoulders. I hate to see it bastardised by people who don't understand the meaning or significance of it. For starters, there is no "Borneo tribe"!!!! There are many different tribes, some of which practice tattooing, and some that don't. Among many, there are the kayan, kenyah, kelabit, murut, berawan, penan, iban etc etc...The tribe that are the most prominent at tattooing are the Iban. This is where the bunga teruong, or "borneo rose" comes from.
The spirals in the middle are meant to symbolise the life cycle. Some villages say that it originally came from the spirals on the belly of tadpoles, and when you actually go find a tadpole as i have done, you can see this pattern. The bunga teruong is supposed to guard the wearer from evil spirits. Some of the other tattoos on different parts of the body are for different purposes. They used to tattoo the hands if they were headhunters.
The bunga teruong should always be done in pairs. They can be on the back, buttocks, shoulders and/or chest. NEVER, should they be done singularly. They are supposed to protect both sides of the body from evil. Just getting one would be silly. As to the number of petals; whilst they are all from the Iban or Dayak tribe, different villages would have slightly different designs.
Please don't get this tattoo unless you truly understand the symbolism behind them. I and my fellow countrymen get furious when we see silly westerners with these ancestral designs who know nothing about the way we live, nor our culture. If you truly respect our culture, and have some proper reason behind wanting to get the bunga teruong, then please do the required research and get it done properly.
I know there are good westerners out there who take things seriously and respect us, but there are many who know nothing, and destroy the meaning behind our culture because they respect nothing. Stop ruining that which you don't own.


Tja, ich seh das ja generell so mit fremdländischen Kulturen. Wie z.B. Maori, Haida etc. ...


Vielen, vielen Dank! Jetzt kann ich den Hintergrund nachlesen.
Ich hab das schon so häufig gesehen und nie gefragt, wie es heisst.
Einen schönen Abend, vibe77

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