yes...awesome! and you´re right- that is YOUR (idividual, personally,) style with re-recognition factor :-) keep on !
verfasst von user1 am 21. Juni 2012 - 15:14.
My english is not good enough to express what I´m thinking about your stuff. But it´s unique, inimitable, sensationell, incomparable an without any artistic limitations. And like @vulkan wrote, it´s individual and easy to recognize. Go ahead, man!
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thumbs up :-)
Ein Tattoo wo man auch echt mal gerne bissl länger gucken mag ums auf sich wirken zu lassen! TOP-10ner!
Holy shit, you're a god with the tattoo machine! 10 points+++
yes...awesome! and you´re right- that is YOUR (idividual, personally,) style with re-recognition factor :-) keep on !
My english is not good enough to express what I´m thinking about your stuff. But it´s unique, inimitable, sensationell, incomparable an without any artistic limitations. And like @vulkan wrote, it´s individual and easy to recognize. Go ahead, man!
Thanks guys, your all the comments makes my day and little bit blush me. I keep my way because Respect You.